Os dejo aquí el link de descarga de la versión del mod.
Mod -- Pixelmon 3.2.6
Lo nuevo que trae la versión:
- Added Rufflet, Braviary
- Added the 9 Incenses
- Added secret project 'Value'
- Added config option for statue textures
- Updated Caterpie, Metapod andButterfree (Butterfree's animation swap isn't working) to SMD
- Added new SMD animations for Squirtle,Wartortle and Blastoise
- Fixed bounding boxes on Arbok, Ekans,Dragonair, Dratini, Gyarados
- Added Rufflet, Spinarak, Wailmerevolution data
- Aggressive Pokemon from spawners will no longer target other Pokemon (only players)
- Hooked new flying database parameters into flying AI
- Changed rendering of statues, removing animations and particle effects and removing the texture
- Pixelmon Spawner language correction
- Updated language with new items
- Animation timing tweaks
- Removed Manaphy and Phione
- If boss trainers' Pokémon movesets are set, they will not be reloaded on battle start
- Added aluminium ingots and bauxite ore to the ore dictionary
- Removed some stray debug messages
- Trader fixes
- Trader GUI fix
- Trader Yes/No dialogue fixed (Server side issue still present)
- GUI Fix to Spawners, beginning of new camera
- Fix PP not changing on pokeCheckerGUI
- Removed line from pokespawn to allow for statues to work
- Fixed a crash when flying parameters aren't set for a flying Pokemon
- Fix to a crash where turn list is reduced mid-turn
- Fix held icon for mail
- Fixed riding/swimming for Wailord line
- Fixed an issue where battles could fail to be initialised and then would spam the console
- Fixed bug with Oran, Leppa and Rawst Berries not being removed upon consumption.
- Language fixes